Wings Drama Classes are a unique and captivating form under the guidance of our actor and drama teacher, Ben. With a distinctive style that blends realism with a touch of Comedy of Menace and Theatre of the Absurd, Ben’s approach to drama is a journey into the unexpected. Our classes are designed to offer performers an immersive experience rather than just a routine performance. Ben’s expertise lies in creating compelling narratives that captivate the audience through a carefully blend of realism and theatrical innovation. Expect to explore different styles, techniques and approaches to enhance your performance skills, experiencing the art of drama like never before.
Devised Performances
Snapshot from our drama play during our Summer Showcase 2023 at The Wilnecote School, Tamworth.
Improvisation & Character
Snapshot from on our weekly workshops at The Wilnecote School, Tamworth, focusing on improvisation and building character.
Performance Opportunities
Snapshot from an Afternoon Tea of “The Hills Are Alive Experience” at Moor Hall Hotel & Spa, Sutton Coldfield.
Audition Preperation
Snapshot from one of our one to one audition preperation workshops.