Wings Theatre School

Welcome to the official website of Wings Theatre School!

The award-winning Theatre School situated on the outskirts of Tamworth. We are the go-to destination for aspiring performers with a passion for Musical Theatre and beyond

Our core classes in Drama, Dance Technique and Musical Theatre Singing, are designed to guide our students, to explore their creative potential and shine brightly in their chosen field on stage.

At Wings, diversity isn’t just acknowledged, it has been sewn deeply into the fabric of our ethos.
We believe in an environment where every individual feels acknowledged, listened to, and cherished, regardless of their abilities or personality. So that’s why must join us! Come on in and immerse yourself in the incredible world of the stage, where your talents will flourish, and your abilities will be both celebrated and recognised.

Why should you join Wings?

The show was amazing. I loved every minute of it. It's lovely to see everyone progressing and being introduced to the new members. You all do a phenomenal job.

I'm always promoting The Wings Family to my friends because you are a wonderful, nurturing, empowering company. I'm looking forward to the next show.
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Sarah Bell
Theatre School Parent
I went to The Peaky Experience with my son and mother in law at The Abbey Hotel.

It was a brilliant evening, I loved it and didn't want it to end. 
I highly recommend any future events you do and I will certainly be there for another one.
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Julie Cacciottolo
Wings Entertainment Guest
You are all fantastic performers and it was a real treat getting to watch you all perform some musical favourites. Such brilliant voices. Getting a sneaky peek backstage, also was a little insight into how hard you work to put everything together, you didn’t stop for a break! Well done, I know everyone enjoyed watching you all perform as much as I did!
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Party Like A Princess
Wings Entertainment Guest

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